Since iOS 3.2, you can use custom fonts in your iOS apps by adding the UIAppFonts Info.plist key. Unfortunately, custom fonts are not available when editing your xib files in Interface Builder. MoarFonts makes your custom fonts available right within Interface Builder.
MoarFonts is compatible with both Xcode 4 and Xcode 5.
If you are using MoarFonts in a team, you must purchase one license per user, including your continuous integration server if applicable.
In your project, add a Run Script Build Phase with /bin/bash -e
as shell and the following script:
mdfind -onlyin "${SRCROOT}" "kMDItemContentTypeTree == public.font" -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 /usr/local/bin/moarfonts install
This will make all fonts in your project directory available in Xcode. You will need to relaunch Xcode the first time you build your project.
mdfind -onlyin "${SRCROOT}" "kMDItemContentTypeTree == public.font" -0with
find "${SRCROOT}" -name "*.[ot]tf" -print0or an equivalent command that matches your fonts.
Failed to install Caviar Dreams: The file “Caviar Dreams.ttf” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
export SDKROOT=/Applications/ /usr/local/bin/moarfonts reset
If you are still having issues with MoarFonts, please contact me by e-mail rather than twitter. Doing support in 140 characters is too hard.